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LIVE- Annual SEND Information Report

Key Stakeholders at Co-op Academy Glebe:

Other Key Stakeholders in SEND:

  • Mrs Kay Price: Chair of Governors/SEND Governor
  • Mrs Laura Bull: SENDCo Assistant

SEND Policy at Co-op Academy Glebe:

The SEND policy is reviewed annually in line with the SEND code of practice, and approved by the Governing Body. The most recent review was undertaken in September 2023 reflecting any significant legislative changes and implementing this into the school’s practice.

Number of pupils with SEND:

Pupils who have been identified as having an SEND will require intervention for one or more of the four categories, which include:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and/or Physical





School Support:

Communication and Interaction





School Support:

Cognition and Learning





School Support:

Social, Emotional and Mental Health





School Support:

Sensory and/or Physical





EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan)



6 (+1 been submitted awaiting approval)


Number of Pupils on SEND register





Number of Pupils on Role at Glebe Academy





% of school





Please note that the above numbers take into account that the percentages above are based on the amount of individual pupils on the SEND register, compared to the above categories, where certain pupils may appear more than once.

Progress of pupils with SEND at Co-op Academy Glebe:

All children are continually assessed by staff and each half term the SENDCo monitors the progress of all children on the SEND register. The SENDCo then works closely with the class teacher to ensure that the children’s needs are identified and suitable provision is implemented. This will include quality first teaching and may also involve interventions where children are taken out of class either individually or in small groups. The school employs a number of additional members of staff to provide support for children within lessons as well and encourage independent work. Early intervention support is also accessed from a range of external specialists and Glebe Academy works closely with Educational Psychologists from the Local Authority and other outside agencies, such as Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists.

Provisions Co-op Academy Glebe Offers in School:


  • SOS spelling-this is an intervention where pupils work one-to-one with a member of staff and learn up to five different spellings each week, by rewriting the words and saying each of the letter names.
  • Precision teaching-this can be used to improve a child’s reading ability by reading specific words at a certain pace and aiming to improve their score over the week.
  • Toe-by-Toe-this can be used to improve children’s reading by recognising sounds of letters.
  • Daily reading- Staff work with individual children reading daily, completing different reading activities with a specific focus, depending on the needs of the children,


  • Plus 1- this is a daily programme where children complete number recognition and other number based activities, including the four operations of number.
  • Power of 2- the same as Plus 1 but a progression from this programme. Power of 2 aims to cover more complex number relationships.
  • Precision teaching- this can be used in a variety of different ways in Numeracy, for example, when children are learning number bonds to 10. They are provided with a grid with additions in and they aim to answer as many as they can in a given time. The number they answer should improve throughout the week.

Other Interventions we Offer:

  • Children who have been diagnosed with Autism (ASD) have visual timetables to help support them.
  • Children who are on the SEND register for Social, Emotional and Mental Health receive support through reward charts. Each child has been given a target based on their individual needs and the child receives ‘treat time’ that has been decided by themselves.

There was 1 permanent exclusion in 2022/2023. There have been 0 permanent exclusions during 2019/20, there were 0 fixed-term exclusions during 2018/2019 and 2 exclusions during 2018/19.

Pupil attendance is reviewed as part of SEND monitoring process and the absence of pupils with SEND is the accountability of a designated member of staff (Kirsty Suleman). Close links are maintained with the parents and the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) who supports Co-op Academy Glebe in dealing with any attendance issues including any persistent lateness.

Deployment of Staff and Resources:

  • Currently (2022/23), the school receives £28,000.00 in High Needs SEND funding and during 2020/21 the Academy received £30,584.62. This is/was used to contribute to the employment of 5 Learning Support Practitioners to support pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans. There may be an Early Years Transition Co-ordinator (EYFS/KS1) or a Closing the Gap Co-Ordinator (KS2) working with your child either individually or as part of a group. The content of this support will be explained to parents when support begins, as part of a child’s bespoke programme of learning and is reviewed and updated during termly learning conversations.

The school also invests in specialist Early Years Transition Co-ordinators to support children within EYFS and KS1 and Closing the Gap Co-ordinators to support pupils within KS2.

External Agencies:

Close and effective links are made with a wide variety of agencies to support parents/carers and the school in addressing children’s needs.

Agency involvement has included:

  • Educational Psychologist (EP)
  • Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)
  • NHS Partnership
  • Education Welfare Service (EWS)
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Downs Syndrome Service
  • Children and Adolescence Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • INSPIRE Outreach
  • Family Services (Social Services, IFIS and Service Co-ordinators).
  • MIND Charity (One-on-one counselling service for children and parents/carers)
  • SEND/ SENIASS (Parent partnerships and SEN advisors from the Local Authority).
  • NHS Diabetic Nurse
  • Visual Impairment Team (VIT)

Secondary School Involvement:

To ensure smooth transition for current Year 6 with SEND, additional arrangements are implemented for the summer term, when required. Children on the SEND register have the opportunity for extra visits to their secondary school. Annual reviews for children with EHC plans in Year 6 are usually attended by a representative from the secondary school.

Staff Development:

  • Epi-pen, Diabetes, Asthma updated training (yearly)-all staff attended.
  • Training from the Local Authority on Quality First Teaching for children with SEN.
  • Three Paediatric first aiders in school.
  • All staff first aid trained.
  • Outreach programmes from Specialist provision, delivering ASD support and training to specific staff.

Parents and Carers involvement in the provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.

  • Parents/Carers are invited to attend and contribute to all review meetings.
  • School Support Target Sheets, Pupil Passports and Reward Charts are discussed with parents/carers and copies are sent home regularly.
  • The SEND policy is available on the school website.

Parental Concerns

Talk to us – contact your child’s class teacher about your concerns initially. If you feel that you would like to speak to a senior member of staff, ask to arrange an appointment with the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Holly Green) via the school office.

Our Local Offer

To access our Local Offer, please follow the following link: