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LIVE- First Aid Policy

Co-op Academy Glebe

First Aid Policy

Academy Owner:

Holly Green

Governor Owner:

Kay Price

Policy Date:

June 2023

Review Date:

June 2024



First aid must be provided to any person that we owe a duty of care if they are injured or become ill while on our premises or involved in an off-site activity. There must be sufficient suitably qualified first aiders and adequate first aid facilities to ensure that assistance will be provided quickly to casualties and a call made to the emergency services when appropriate.

Contractors who work on site must provide their own first aid.

To ensure that the arrangements are appropriate for a specific establishment, the Academy Business Leader must undertake a first aid risk assessment. This risk assessment should be reviewed if there is any significant change at the academy, and at a nominal yearly interval. A Checklist and Risk Assessment Form has been provided in the attachments.

Our trained first aiders are allocated the duty of day-to-day management of first aid within the establishment. This will include:

  • reviewing the first aid risk assessment whenever necessary;
  • co-coordinating first aid training to ensure continuation of competency;  
  • ensuring that first aid supplies are replenished, kept in date and correctly stored; paperwork – draw up individual Health Care Plans, liaising with parents as needed.


Qualifications and training

All first aiders must hold an appropriate first aid certificate that has been obtained through attendance on training course run by an approved organisation. All first aid training must be refreshed every three years to ensure that staff stay abreast of any changes to regulations.


First Aid at Work (For Adults) - One member of staff must attend this 3-day course in first aid delivered by a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) approved training provider. Certificates are valid for 3 years and the qualification can be maintained by attending a 2-day FAW renewal course. Renewal courses must be completed within 28 days of expiry of the previous certificate. This qualification is to ensure Glebe Academy as an employer is well placed to manage the wellbeing of staff, contractors and visitors to the academy.


All staff that administer emergency first aid:

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) - A 1-day course in first aid delivered by an HSE approved training organisation or a training organisation that have gained accreditation from one of the awarding bodies offering accreditation that are listed on the HSE website. Certificates are valid for 3 years.

Early Years Team – either of the following:

Paediatric or Early Years First Aid (EYFA) - Educational establishments with children under 5 must also meet the first aid requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework. A 2-day course specialising in first aid for children aged up to 5 years. This qualification is required in addition to the standard first aid qualifications in any establishment where staff will have a duty of care for children up to the age of 5 years. Certificates are valid for 3 years.

There must be a paediatric first aider on the academy site at all times when EYFS children are in attendance.

There must a paediatric first aider on any off-site visits undertaken by EYFS pupils

How many first aiders?

The number of qualified first aiders necessary for an educational establishment will depend upon the size and layout of the premises, the number of people it accommodates and the nature of the activities carried out.

There must be a sufficient number of first aiders strategically located to ensure that first aid treatment will be provided quickly in an emergency. The number must also be sufficient to ensure provision will be maintained during both planned and unplanned absences such as leave and sickness, and to accommodate off-site activities such as educational visits and sporting fixtures. First aid duties can be shared between qualified staff provided the appropriate level of provision is maintained.

Contacting first aiders

The Senior Leadership Team will ensure that everybody on the premises knows how to summon a first aider in an emergency. Notices are displayed in conspicuous places and the procedure is included in staff and volunteer induction training and pupil safety briefings.


Appropriate practice

Our first aiders are responsible for assessing injuries or ill health and using their training to decide upon the most appropriate response. This can involve treating the casualty if the injury is within the scope of their training, referring them to hospital for assessment or further treatment, or calling the emergency services for urgent help.

When the first aider is in any doubt whether a casualty requires professional medical assistance, he or she should call 999 or phone NHS 111. Urgent treatment should not be delayed in order to consult with parents or carers. 

Head bumps

Children often bump their heads without further consequences but parents should be informed about head bumps so that they can look out for signs that the injury could be more serious.

An accident form should always be completed to inform parents about any head bumps, and the first aiders should advise parents further signs to look out for. Staff will also ensure additional supervision is in place for children that remain in school following a minor head bump. If any of these signs become apparent while the child is still at school, staff will arrange for them to see a GP or attend an Accident and Emergency department immediately.

Calling the emergency services

First aiders should not delay calling 999- always let the emergency services decide the appropriate course of action based on the information that you give them.

Pupils with medical conditions / Care Plans

All first aiders are to be informed if a pupil with a medical condition is likely to need special emergency treatment. Pupil health care plans must be available to first aiders, and a copy should be provided to any medical practitioner providing emergency medical. Copies off care plans are available in the School Office.

First aiders should also notify the kitchen of any pupils with specific food allergies.


Hygiene, infection control and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally wear for work, even if they are not able to maintain a distance of 2 metres from others. First aiders should always follow their training and maintain good standards of infection control which in some cases may include the use of PPE. Always thoroughly wash your hands before and after treating anyone with first aid. Whenever small amounts of body fluids have to be cleaned up, disposable plastic gloves should be worn alongside disposable paper towels and a disinfectant solution should be used to absorb and clean surfaces. These items should be disposed of in yellow plastic hazardous waste bags, tied up and placed directly into external waste bins with other inert waste. Bodily Fluids Clean-Up Boxes are available in the First Aid Room and kept in the Cleaners Cupboards for cleaning of larger volumes of bodily fluids and plastic aprons should also be worn and disposed of correctly.

All members of staff supporting pupils with individual Educational, Health and Care Plans should refer to the pupil’s individual risk assessment which will state the PPE requirements which also involve the additional use of a face mask and visor/googles if there is a risk of inhalation of infection or a risk of fluids entering the eyes for example through spitting, coughing or vomiting.

PPE and Covid -19

If a person being treated with first aid becomes ill and is showing signs of coronavirus symptoms then a distance of two meters from others should be maintained. If this is not possible then the following should be worn:

  • Fluid-resistant surgical face mask
  • Disposable gloves
  • Disposable aprons
  • And eye protection such as a face visor or googles if there is a risk of fluids entering the eyes for example from coughing, spitting or vomiting.

When PPE is used, it is essential that it used in line with guidance on how to put it on and take it off safely:

As soon as possible this person should be moved to an isolated and external area until they are able to leave the site or are collected by parents.

Record keeping

All first aiders should ensure that a record is made of all first aid treatment they give. This must include:

  • the date, time and place of the injury or illness occurring;
  • the name of the injured or ill person and their status, such as employee, pupil, client, visitor;
  • details of the injury or illness and what first aid was given;
  • what happened to the person immediately afterwards, for example, sent home, sent to hospital, returned to normal duties; and
  • the printed name of the first aider or person dealing with the casualty.

Records should be kept according to the following schedule:

  • pupils - 3 years from the date of 18th birthday
  • employees and others - 3 years from the date of the accident.

First aiders should record first aid provided to pupils separately from that provided to employees and others. Each classroom has its own accident reporting file and this is a central file in the First Aid Room for pupils.

Adult accidents, near misses and first aid treatment should be recorded in the Accident File in the School Office. First aider shall ensure that records are protected from unauthorised access.  

Any RIDDOR reportable accidents or serious near misses should be reported to member of the Senior Leadership Team ASAP and the appropriate steps taken.



Glebe Academy employees who hold a valid first aid qualification are indemnified by the Academy’s insurance against any claims for negligence or injury, provided they relate to first aid provided in the course of their employment and they acted in good faith and in accordance with their training. The indemnity is regardless of where and to whom the first aid was provided.

Guidance on first aid kit sizes for a Workplace environment

The size of the first aid kits to be used in a workplace is determined by the number of employees and the category of hazard incurred by the workplace environment; see Table 1 below:

Where there are special circumstances, such as remoteness from emergency medical services, there might need to be more first aid kits than set out in the Table 1 below.

Table 1: Guidance of first aid kit sizes for a workplace environment

Category of Hazard 

Number of employees 

Number and size of first aid kits 

Low hazard. 

For example, shops, offices, libraries etc.

**Fewer than 25

**1 small kit

25 - 100

1 medium kit

More than 100

1 large kit per 100 employees

High hazard.

For example, light engineering

and assembly work Food processing, warehousing, extensive work with dangerous machinery or sharp instruments, construction, chemical manufacture, etc.

Fewer than 5

1 small kit

5 - 25

1 medium kit

More than 25

1 large kit per 25

First aid kits

The minimum provision for an educational establishment is at least one first aid kit for use on the premises and one or more kits to be taken on off-site visits. Kits should be immediately available on playing fields.  At Glebe Academy every classroom has its’ own basic first aid kit with central the storage of additional first aid equipment, including ice located in the First Aid Room. This is a separate first aid kit located in the Kitchen and a member of the kitchen staff is trained in emergency first aid.

First aid kits must be stored in a robust container designed to protect the contents from damp and dust and marked with a white cross on a green background.

The contents of the first aid box are be checked regularly to ensure there is adequate stock and to replenish out of date items.

All new first kits must conform to the British Standard (existing kits do not need to be replaced until new kits are required.)

This is what we recommend based on the British Standard:

  • 1  list of first aid kit components included in kit
  • 2 Pairs of Nitrile disposable gloves (Conforming to BS EN 455-1 and BS EN 455 -2, Large size (8-9)
  • Selection of individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings (water resistant, sterile, an island design and blue ones for food technology or kitchen areas);
  • 2 sterile eye pad dressing with bandage
  • 1 individually wrapped sterile triangular bandages
  • 1 conforming bandage
  • 3 safety pins
  • 4 medium-sized individually wrapped sterile un-medicated wound dressings (approximately 12cm x 12cm)
  • 1 large individually wrapped sterile un-medicated wound dressings (approximately 18cm x 18cm)
  • 1 foil blanket 130cm x 210 cm
  • 1 mouth-to-mouth resuscitation device which includes a one-way valve
  • 10 alcohol free moist cleansing wipes individually wrapped (sterile)
  • 1 micro-porous adhesive tape
  • 2 finger sterile dressing with adhesive fixing
  • 1 burn relief dressing (kitchen only)
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers

Do not keep antiseptic creams, lotions, or any type of medication or drug in a first aid kit. 

The contents of a travelling first aid kit for off-site visits must be appropriate to the type and duration of visit, but should contain as a minimum:

  • 1 leaflet giving general advice on first aid
  • 1 contents list giving the first aid components in the kit
  • 1 Pair of Nitrile disposable gloves (Conforming to BS EN 455-1 and BS EN 455 -2, Large size (8-9)
  • 10 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings (water resistant, sterile, an island design and blue ones for food technology or kitchen areas)
  • 1 sterile eye pad dressing with bandage
  • 1 individually wrapped sterile triangular bandage
  • 1 conforming bandage
  • 2 safety pins
  • 1 medium-sized, individually wrapped, sterile, un-medicated wound dressing (approximately 12cm x 12cm)
  • 1 large, individually wrapped, sterile, un-medicated wound dressing (approximately 18cm x 18cm)
  • 1 foil blanket 130cm x 210 cm
  • 1 mouth-to-mouth resuscitation device which includes a one-way valve
  • 4 alcohol-free, moist cleansing wipes individually wrapped (sterile)
  • 1 micro-porous adhesive tape
  • 1 burn relief dressing burn relief dressing
  • Scissors
  • 1 eye wash (250ml) - Laboratories can have different arrangements for eye irrigation; see the WSCC Health and Safety information for Science CD-ROM.

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)

Whilst there is no specific requirement for schools to have an AED on site, Glebe Academy has decided to invest in this additional piece of equipment. The AED is located outside of the School Hall and all first aid staff are trained to use it.

The AED has both adult and child size pads and the battery tested by a nominated first aider every three months. There is also always a spare battery located onsite.

Medical accommodation

 Glebe Academy has a purpose built First Aid Room to care for children during school hours, and supplies suitable rooms for health professionals to carry out medical and dental examinations.

Al rooms used for the administration on first aid and medical /dental examinations must be well lit and also contain a washbasin and have a toilet reasonably nearby, and the floor and surfaces must be easy to clean and disinfect.

The First Aid Room is equipped with adequate first aid facilities and equipment. It as a minimum will contain:

  • a sink with hot and cold running water;
  • soap and paper towels;
  • disposable gloves;
  • drinking water and disposable cups;
  • a range of first aid equipment (at least the contents of a standard first aid kit);
  • Freezer and ice packs
  • apparatus for the safe disposal of clinical waste such as a foot-operated refuse container lined with disposable yellow clinical waste bag;
  • a sharps container if it is foreseeable that sharps will be used;
  • a couch with waterproof protection & clean blankets;
  • a chair;
  • access to a telephone;
  • a record book for recording the first aid given;
  • a current copy of the first aid manual


Appendix A 

First Aid Checklist and Risk Assessment Form 



Assessment Factor


Impact on First Aid Provision







Does your school have higher risk areas such as science labs or workshops that pupils have access too?



Does your school have higher risk arears that staff or contractor have access to?


The Kitchen – restricted to staff

The Boiler Room – restricted to authorised personal and kept locked


Are there any specific risks such as hazardous substances, dangerous tools or machinery or animals?



COSHH procedures in place to ensure chemicals and hazardous substances are kept to a minimum and where ever possible low hazard substances are used.

All staff are COSHH trained.

Power tools are kept locked and are only used by trained personnel.

Cleaning cupboards are kept locked at all times.

All equipment used by pupils is low hazard and nontoxic.


Is there adequate first aid provision close at hand for sports activities (consider curriculum and out of hours activities), and also for all offsite activities and visits?



All teachers and sports coaches are trained in emergency first aid.

All pupil off site visits will supported by at least one member of staff trained in first aid.

Where pupils have specific medical needs that presents higher risks additional first aid trained staff will be requested to support the offsite visit.

Group leaders to ensure that a stocked first aid kit is taken on every offsite visit alongside any pupil specific medication i.e. inhalers, insulin or Epi Pens.


Does your curriculum contain swimming lessons?



Fenton Manor lifeguards which are supervising pupils during swimming lessons are trained to perform rescues and resuscitation.

Glebe Academy staff are also trained in resuscitation and would be available to support if need be.


Do you have pupils and visitors who have special health needs?



Individual health care plans are undertaken by school staff with the support of parents and medical professionals. These are reviewed on a regular basis or as and when required.

There are sufficient staff trained to provide emergency care to pupils with specific medical needs at all times.

All visitors to school with special health needs are encouraged to inform the school.

All staff fill out a full health questionnaire as part of the induction process and are encouraged to contact their line manger if additional adjustments are needed to support the to manage health conditions whilst at work


What is your history of accidents and cases of ill health? What type are they and where did they happen?



The number of accidents is logged on a half termly basis and reported to governors.

The Academy has a low number of serious accidents or near misses.

All RIDDOR reportable incidents and accidents of a more serious/reoccurring theme are fully investigated, risk assessed and if it is identified that reasonable adjustments can be made these are put into place asap.


Are the premises spread out, e.g. are there several buildings on the site or multi-story buildings?



There are no stairwells or lifts on site. Glebe Academy is a single-story building.


Is there shift work or out of hours working or after school activities?



First-aid provision is in place at all times.


Do you have staff that work alone?



If members of staff are working alone on site their duties will be restricted to low risk activities.

Anyone working alone will be required to make contact with a nominated member of the SLT every two hours.