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LIVE- Incident and Near Miss Policy

Co-op Academy Glebe

Incident and Near Miss Policy

*includes Reporting Form

Academy Owner:

Mandy Hancock

Governor Owner:

Tim Griffin

Policy Date:

November 2022

Review Date:

November 2024



  1. Statement of intent

A health and safety incident is an unplanned event which may result in injury, stress or other health effects to people, or damage to property. It can also include near-misses which may not result in injury or damage, but have the potential to do so. This Near-miss Policy is to be enforced alongside the current Health and Safety Policy of Co-op Academy Glebe. This information applies to staff, pupils, contractors and visitors of the school.

At Co-op Academy Glebe, we are committed to the health and safety of our staff, pupils and visitors. Ensuring the safety of our school community is of paramount importance to us and this policy reflects our dedication to creating a safe school.

We are committed to:

  • Providing a productive and safe learning environment.
  • Preventing accidents and any work-related illnesses.
  • Compliance with all statutory requirements.
  • Minimising risks via assessment and policy.
  • Providing safe working equipment and ensuring safe working methods.
  • Including all staff and representatives in health and safety decisions.
  • Monitoring and reviewing our policies to ensure effectiveness.
  • Setting high targets and objectives to develop the school’s culture of continuous improvement.
  • Ensuring adequate welfare facilities are available throughout our school.
  • Ensuring, as is reasonably practicable, adequate resources are available to address health and safety issues.

Reporting a near-miss allows the school the opportunity to take further precautions in order to avoid events that might lead to major, or even fatal, injuries. The health and safety officer will undertake regular evaluations of all reported incidents, both injuries and ill health. They will then identify patterns and trends in order to take corrective action and minimise the reoccurrence of any incident/illness.

Co-op Academy Glebe will seek to reduce such incidents to as low a level as possible with a stated aim of achieving a zero level.

  1. Legal framework

This policy has due regard to statutory legislation, including, but not limited to, the following:

∙ The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

∙ The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013.

∙ The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

  1. Near-miss definition

3.1 For the purposes of this policy, a near-miss has been defined as an event that, while not causing actual harm, has the potential to cause injury, ill health or damage to property. All near misses are opportunities to learn how we can avoid similar events that might lead to major, or even fatal, injuries.

3.2 Examples of common near-miss incidents include the following:

• Slips, trips or falls

• Unauthorised vehicles entering a work area

• Moving vehicles passing unacceptably close or too fast

• Mishandling a load

• Falling objects

• Use of unsafe equipment

• Incorrect use of equipment

  1. Key roles and responsibilities

4.1 As an employee of name of school, you must ensure that you know and understand the basic procedures you should follow (and are required by law to follow) in relation to reporting accidents and near-misses.

4.2 All school employees should follow the same procedures if the incident involves a student, visitor or contractor you are responsible for or are escorting.

4.3 It is a criminal offence for name of school not to report specific incidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

  1. Reporting a near-miss

5.1 If you see or are involved in a near-miss, you should report it using the Near-miss Incident Reporting Form available at the office, in order to allow consideration of how to prevent a possible accident happening in the future.

5.2 If you see something you believe to be an immediate/significant hazard, you should instantly report it to the headteacher.

5.3 Staff, pupils, contractors and visitors are encouraged to report any condition or practice they deem to be a hazard which could lead to a near miss.

5.4 Reporting should be conducted verbally to the site manager as soon as possible, who will then inform the headteacher as appropriate.

  1. If an individual reports a near-miss using the required form, the remedial action must be detailed.

5.6 Certain serious near-misses are reportable to the HSE as ‘dangerous occurrences’; failure of the school to do this is an offence.

  • A ‘dangerous occurrence’ includes any incident which results in requiring hospital treatment or further attention.
  • On receipt of the Near-miss Incident Reporting Form, the safety officer will determine if a ‘dangerous occurrence’ has happened.

  1. Incident investigation

6.1 All accidents and near misses, however small, will be reported and investigated by the safety officer, name of appointed person, and the outcomes recorded.

6.2 The length of time dedicated to each investigation will vary depending on the seriousness of the accident

6.3 After the investigation takes place, a risk assessment will be carried out, or the existing assessment amended, to avoid reoccurrence of the accident.

  1. Monitoring and review

This policy is reviewed every 2 years by the Business and Operations Director; any changes made to this policy will be communicated to all members of staff. All members of staff are required to familiarise themselves with this policy as part of their induction programme.

Date of near-miss incident:  

Time of near-miss incident:

Name of employee reporting near-miss incident:

Location of near-miss incident (e.g. room number/corridor/entrance):


Name and status of person(s) involved:

Status(please tick):


Name of person(s) involved:













Third party




Type of near-miss (please tick most appropriate):

Unsafe equipment


Unsafe act


Unsafe condition


Unsafe use of equipment



Details of near-miss incident (including activity taking place):



Description of corrective action taken (e.g. remove the hazard, replace, repair, or retrain in the proper procedures for the task):

Were there any preventative measures in place before the near-miss incident occurred? If so, were these followed? (e.g. risk assessments, personal protective equipment, written procedures.):


What further action could be taken to prevent re-occurring near-misses and/or accidents causing injury? (e.g. replacement of equipment, review of risk assessments, further staff training, control measures etc.):


Further action taken:


If yes, please provide details:


Signed employee:




Signed Principal:

