Promoting intellectual, personal, social and physical development.
Our curriculum, ensure that all children, no matter their background or ability, receive an excellent education.
For further information about our curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher.
Our Curriculum
We continually evaluate and adapt what we offer to ensure it is coherent, high quality and provides inclusive opportunities for all with the thread of the co-operative values and principles running through it.
Glebe Guides - Subject Details
In this section you can explore our curriculum intent, implementation, impact and long term plans subject by subject.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage - information for Nursery and Reception
Year Group Curriculum Details
What each year group are learning
Developing a love of reading, and the importance of this for our children both now and in the future, lies at the heart of our English Curriculum.
Forest School
Forest school is an outdoor programme, which involves a long term approach of the benefits of learning outdoors.
Careers, Aspirations and Enterprise
Developing children's experiences of the world of work from a young age is pivotal in raising aspirations and developing their understanding of where they 'fit' in the world with the qualities, skills and interests they possess.